Monday 29 September 2008

You Put the Peanut in the Peanut Hole

This Week was a bit mad - I took this week as a holiday.Monday - Up at perth all day, came home and slept.Tuesday - Workin during the quiet it was depressing. Still had a laugh at some times.Had a Billy Liar Practise that night, and we talked some shit over - (threw all the shit we talked about into the bin last night) On the way home i got breathalised cos i cant drive very well in the pitch black, i was completely sober though. haha.Wednesday - Despite thinking i had the day off, i didnt, did client porter for the day, shifting big fuck off pallets - Feel the burn!!! After that i had a DMH practise, we talked some shit over, and hopefully sorted out some issues. Then went to tron for annies departure, Mon the hoops! Was a good night, got very drunk and started signing my name on ppl with a marker pen. They got me back. I remember drawing on some girls legs haha. We shall miss annie while she is in the saudi arabian desert, but she shall return having learnt the ways of the world. She has my 2nd last hoody, as a token of me.Thursday - Woke up at 11 oclock, feeling very drunk and disappointed that i had missed my toe appointment. Also i was covered in pen and only had 1 hoody left. I spent a time trying to straighten myself out, the pen wouldnt wash off after a lengthy shower. John picked us up, and it was off to glasgow. I found a cool pair of 3D glasses in johns car - I looked like a nut, covered in pen with these glasses on. Got to the tv studio, set everything up - getting shit out of the car is so easy when uv got 20 ppl carrying stuff for you. We did 3 songs, and had to walk on and off a few times. Then did an interview, some weird questions 'false, lie' Again the get out was pretty quick aswell. back to johns cousins where we left the gear cos john was shitting it about leaving it in the car. Fuck carrying stuff up the stairs! Got dominos number 1. Went to meet Kara and lisa at the GU. Kara managed to talk us in, considering we Dave and Iain were dressed in leather, and had no id or student id, it was pretty impresive. CHeap drinks, but ultimately a confusing place. Think espionage, but not as shit. Iain met an italian guy, and was screaming "Where is my margarita pizza!!" at him for ages. The guy was fucked so couldnt really tell. it was hilarious. Went back to Karas, smoked my first joint in YEARS, cos there was no booze. Went to bed(or rather cold floor) (Kara shall now be known as jammy fanny, for some cockney slang related reason) We eventually got to sleep, after a lot of pish being talked, and learning about 'Emptys'. Why, whenever i visit ppl in halls is someone always crying!!Friday - In the morning, Jammy Fannys flatmate Iona made us all breakfast, for reasons that are stricken from the record. The biggest spider iv ever seen was just above me, scary as fuck. But i got rid of it. Spent most of the day listening to chinese music, while Jammy and iona decided whether to wear dresses or casual to stirling. I wudve liked to wear a suit, but my change of clothes had gone home with john. Met lisa and went to stirling. The buses their give you change! Got to the halls to meet stu, and its like a cross between a jail and a swimming pool. Got dominos number 2. We then played ring of fire with like 10 of studs flatmates. Its basically this mental card game where everyone gets wasted. I threw up at 110clock. Kept drinkin for ages, then tom came to pick us up, and aidan had a shot of his car, with the doors wide open. I then had a shot, and tried to show everyone my 3point turn. On the 3rd point, i stalled, and in restarting i managed to switch on the windscreen wipers, the cd played and the lights, but i couldnt get it moving. was brilliant! Tom drove us somewhere, and we tried to walk back. Me and lisa kept climbing through hedges and stuff. Got back and drank some more, and 6 of us slept in stus room! Which i honestly have no idea how we managed it. Stud and Kara in the bed. Aid, Lisa and Iona at a 90 degree angle to them(kindof, dunno how to describe it) i told them to arch their legs, and i slid underneath. While we were sleeping, they didnt arch their legs, so when i woke up i couldnt feel my feet. Saturday - Stu was getting well paranoid about the wardens finding us up there. Lol. We eventually left and i just went back to edinburgh, where i had a bath, washed the pen off, and slept. On the train back, i was sitting opposite this well fit girl and her mum. And i had pen on my face. Damn! Sunday - Slept, and went to see Arkane Core - who are well metal. then had a couple pints at bannermans, Seen daniel blakey plus other ppl. This week, playing at Bannermans with DMH on friday, and then Forest Cafe on saturday with Billy Liar! Come to both!

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