Sunday, 8 February 2009

This Isn't A Tomb, It's A Womb

Quiet week - After the mentalness of the festive period/Aidans birthday, i took almost 2 weeks off drinking/going out! Necessary.

Monday - Last day of the holiday, as far as i can remember i relaxed.

Tuesday - First day back at work, 4 of us had been brought in for a 1 o clock start, had a power lunch in the canteen. The whole shift, we had 1 massive box to move..that was it! Great fun spent hiding, catching up with people etc. Good.

Wednesday - Another day off, cant remember what i did(cos it was ages ago), probably not much though.

Thursday - Working in the morning, worked till 1 oclock. Fertility conference..hmm..lots of fertile females..very nice. Getting up to start at 8 that morning was the hardest thing iv had to do, because i hadnt had to do that since before christmas. Set my alarm for 630, giving me time for a shower and some breakfast. I stumbled out of bed at 740, threw on my clothes and sprinted along the street. Good job.

Friday - Same shift again. good fun. I had a meeting with the bank, it was good fun, and ultimately pointless. . I cant remember what i did that night, potentially tried to start watching the lord of the rings boxset. I finished my book so i used that as a book. Spent the next 2 weeks watching it!(thats a lie, because i dont think i started watching it til saturday!)

Saturday - Went up to my folks to pick up this nice new recording device i bought. It's very nice. Although i broke my laptop installing microsoft XP so i've still not used it. But once i get it up and running i'm gonna record some epic tunes. Aidan and Mike came up to the flat, we played some fifa..I dont think i lost a game I am the absolute master..anyone wants to try and take me on and i'l kick your cunt in. We were heading to the Cinema to see Role Models, it started at 8.40, but we didnt leave til 8.40. Figured, who actually goes to the cinema on a saturday night..noones that boring are they?? Turns out, just cos we haven't ever gone to the cinema on a saturday night, doesen't mean that noone else does..actually EVERYONE goes to the cinema on a saturday night!!It was sold out. Managed to get like the last three tickets to see defiance, in a cinema where we were sitting under the screen, and at a concave angle to the screen. Defiance was really good, but we were in the mood for a comedy, and it's not a comedy.Still, really good though.. I particularly like Daniel Craigs attempt to be Belarusian. Back to the flat after and i started watching lord of the rings. Promptly fell asleep.

Sunday - Spent the entire day trying to fix my laptop, no luck whatsoever. Its still fucked to this day.

So concludes the fellowship of the ring. The next week was generally spent trying to fix my laptop. It's not fixed, i have no money and i had to buy recovery CD's for £25 which still haven't arrived yet. I'm starting to be completely raging. Going to see Stinas gig on thursday, then work party on friday, and something unknown on saturday(even though it has actually happened mwyehahaha)

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