Monday, 29 September 2008

Who the Fuck is Billy Liar?? Who the Fuck Cares!!

Well, Unfortunately thats billy liar over, and because of the way Iain handled the whole situation, he's no longer my friend. Some good times, but I'v given Iain the benefit of the doubt too many times, and had enough of his shite.Monday - Work, nice wee 11 hour shift - Wasn't the worst thing going on though. John had been pissed off with the way Iain had been treating him - Iain wanted to record all the guitar parts because their his songs(valid point). Iain however was too cowardly to tell John this, and i had to tell him the day before we went in the studio(about a month ago) because if it had gone on any longer it would have really fucked things up(didnt really make a difference tho did it!). So i was meeting iain outside my work, and we were gonna go down to meet john - Who we found out was in crutches. So we were also gonna sort out a solution for Sat's gig. Iains late, not answering his phone(as usual). Went down to meet john, he tells me he's just spoken to iain, and john has quit the band, because iain had fucked him about letting him assume he was gonna record. Iain drove him out of the band, i put an argument to john telling him why he shouldnt leave. He said maybe, if iain had said it, as well as apologizing and acknowledging he was the reason john wanted to leave. Tuesday - I spoke to dave about iains actions, we thought what the fuck. I wrote up an agreement, very fair, myself dave and john agreed - To make things right within the band. Phoned Iain up, and went fucking mental at him, told him to admit and apologize to john for how he had treated him. Wednesday - i gave iain the agreement, said look it over, any changes need to be made we can make them, make it work. We were gonna meet to talk it over and sort it all out. Iain is late, and dave phones me telling iains just sacked the band - wanting to work on his own, cos the band isnt working. Iain doesent meet me, doesent answer my calls. I could understand if he was wanting to go solo, had he met with us to discuss - But i got home to find an email from him. After all we'd been through over the past year and a half , i feel i at least deserve a phone call. He's wrong, because we were fucking perfect as a band, but his cowardice has ruined it, as well as our friendship with him. He had better hope he doesent meet me when im wasted, cos i will fuck him up.Was so stressed, fucked off, went to the pub for a couple pints. vented off some anger.Thursday - I think it was this day, or the day before, i was fucked off about billy liar, Theres talk at work of having no team leaders, because theres no need for them - fuck off, i wont do it then. See how smoothly things go eh. Also all my shifts were getting cut, gay as fuck.Went for a 15 minute power walk to cool off some steam. After work, went to Emondo for a pint. Then to esre at LC - Ace, Ace. Reconsider Me is a brilliant tune, the singers nailed the harmonys! Walked home cos i had no cash for the bus...was a nice night anyway!Friday - depressed because everything in my life seems to be falling apart - Quit college cos it was shit, Quit the band iv been in for ever because i was bored. The band i decided to focus my energy disintegrated because the singer cant speak his mind. What do i do with my life??Did a wee hosting shift, gay. But alright. I dont know which days i felt angry and depressed etc. but by the end of friday i was sound.Pub golf, Pub mario golf - dressed as Luigi, got hammered! Was going round for par, until it took me 15 to down a bottle of vk..something to do with bubbles. Had some serious chat with some folk, good to vent. Some girl bought me a round cos i was dressed as luigi.Ended up at the hive. Got a Kebab, got a taxi home with Aidans dad and Nicks dad. Plus a lift in the flower mobile.Saturday - A complete day of rest. Did fuck all, ordered a pizza. It was 2 hours late, cold, and had the wrong - At the eicc. Was an alright day, did some walking on the cat walk, and went home earlty.Drove to Shufans for her bday, wowed everyone at my prowess at guitar hero.Some fucking cunt was pissing me off by singing - If im not drinking, dont sing next to me or il punch u!Was an ok night, but went home early. Work at 8.Things are looking good this week, workin a fair bit, gonna get a jam with a band i may be joining, think my future over. Goin to see Kate Nash on fri which will be ace!

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