Saturday, 9 January 2016

Travel Stories of Mr Crusher

So, over my life things happen. I’m not sure how, I’m not sure why, but I just seem to get myself into situations, some ridiculous, some normal – but It leaves me with a lot of good stories. I am going to try and write this book/blog/memoirs(maybe a bit young for memoirs)/whatever so that I can share some of these stories with you. I don’t yet know what format this will take, but I am going to try and do it as a series of short stories. Some of what you read will be the absolute truth, some will be completely made up. I don’t set out to offend anyone, but I want to write openly – and unfortunately sometimes I can be a dick, and do dickish things. That said, I think I’m quite a nice guy.

So the tales are likely to focus on my 18 month Trip around the world – Fighting a puma in Bolivia, stumbling blind drunk through a favela in Rio de Janeiro, Getting robbed in Fiji, getting lost on The Great Ocean Road in Australia. I might dip into some experiences from my past as well, like playing music in Sweden, or the more recent, like becoming the Scottish National Champion of Super Smash Bros.

Some of the stories are going to be shite, hopefully some will convey my love of going to a new place and getting absolutely lost speaking to people in a language I don’t understand.

Either way, its just really good for memories. Don’t take anything I say too seriously, a lot of the time I’m joking.